Stop holding yourself back. You are so full of life and there is so much ahead of you and time's not waiting for anyone.
- Don't think things that hold you back
- Don't [watch/read] things that hold you back
- Don't surround yourself with people that hold you back.

These three things you can change if you choose to

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Lesson1: Definite Purpose

You deserve everything you want and nothing is impossible. Decide exactly what it is you want, for some this comes very easily with little or no work and others have to do some work, taking time before they discover what their chief purpose is. 

No one can help you in this task, you alone can find out what your chief purpose is. When you do, pour your whole self into it. Write down the steps to achieving that goal and take the first step. No one has enough vision to put together all the steps to achieving their dreams, so the steps might change along the way, don’t hesitate to make the necessary adjustments and keep moving.

Surround yourself with people that want the same thing or believe in your goal. Think and visualize yourself achieving this goal. You have to believe in yourself and your dream.

Make sure you do something that takes you closer to your goal every day.

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