Stop holding yourself back. You are so full of life and there is so much ahead of you and time's not waiting for anyone.
- Don't think things that hold you back
- Don't [watch/read] things that hold you back
- Don't surround yourself with people that hold you back.

These three things you can change if you choose to

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Lesson6: Believe

Stop waiting for people to believe in you before you believe in yourself. We all want that, but the truth is it’s easier to believe in someone who believes in himself.

Truth is there’s no praise for someone who fails, but no matter how many times you fail they are forgotten the moment you succeed. What’s important is that you pick yourself up every time you fall and give it your best shot again. Sometimes all you need is to change your method. Keep trying new things till one works.

We’d rather not face challenges, it’s human nature, but the things we learn on our way to overcoming these challenges, the person we become can never be taken from us. Change that, decide to embrace challenges.
We’re in an environment that doesn’t really support the dreams of others and poverty is not hard to see, but it’s up to you whether you’ll believe in yourself, dream big or not. 

Let your goals always be so big that you think you can’t do it without divine help – that’s a dream worth dreaming!
Never let anyone including yourself, deny you of your dreams.
Choose to believe! You can do it if you believe you can!

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